Take on our SME
net zero challenge

Your business is ready to take control of its emissions, and you’ve been put in charge of the decision making. Think you’ve got what it takes?

What type of business do you work in?

What size is the business?

A few extra details

Size of space

Some manufacturing facilities do not need as much space per person as others. Is your business space per person


Some manufacturing processes use little energy (cutting, assembly), whereas others use more (metal or glass working) How energy intensive is your business?

A few extra details

Size of space

Some consumer businesses do not need as much space per person (hairdressing), compared to others (hotel or museum). Is your business space per person

Fraction of food-service revenue

Food preparation uses a lot of energy. How much of your business revenue comes from food service?

Typical greenhouse gas emissions

Tons CO2e/year

Your challenge is to drive down the emissions the business causes towards "best practice"" or even less, heading towards Net Zero. At the same time, you will also be cutting its energy use and costs.

How it works


Your business’ emissions breakdown will be shown using a bar chart, alongside a best practice comparison. The decisions you make along the way will influence how your graph shifts as better energy management takes you towards Net Zero.


You have tokens to use that represent investment in your energy management, ranging from small wins to big changes. The savings you make from early decisions can help fund later projects, so think carefully to be rewarded with extra tokens.

CO2e emissions
Tons per year
Tons CO2e/year
Tokens available
Improve staff awareness
This project title is: Improve staff awareness . It's description is: Simply making staff aware of where energy is used in the business, and its cost and emissions, can encourage them to save [typically] 8% of energy use.
Lower heating 1 degree
This project title is: Lower heating 1 degree . It's description is: Turning the heating temperature down 1 degree (or the cooling temperature up) can save 8% of heating energy, with no discomfort.
Maintain boilers
This project title is: Maintain boilers . It's description is: Boilers that are regularly maintained use up to 10% less energy than badly maintained units.
Upgrade office equipment
This project title is: Upgrade office equipment . It's description is: Up to date office equipment is much more energy efficient than older types.
Cut business travel
This project title is: Cut business travel . It's description is: Cutting non-essential business travel typically saves 70% of travel-related GHG emissions for office-based businesses - and saves money.
Control use of hot water
This project title is: Control use of hot water . It's description is: Hot water is a big energy-user in food service, so simple devices to control its use saves a lot of energy, and cost.
Improve maintenance
This project title is: Improve maintenance . It's description is: Poorly maintained equipment can easily use 10% more energy than needed.
Sensors and timers
This project title is: Sensors and timers . It's description is: Installing sensors and timers to ensure that space is only heated, cooled and lit when needed can save 12% of your energy use. A full environment control system would save more, but may require a larger investment.
Improve insulation
This project title is: Improve insulation . It's description is: Better building insulation typically saves 20% of energy used for heating and cooling.
Convert to LED lighting
This project title is: Convert to LED lighting . It's description is: LEDs can use 75% less power than conventional forms of lighting.
Reduce staff commuting
This project title is: Reduce staff commuting . It's description is: Office businesses can cut scope-3 emissions by cutting staff commuting, through home-working, subsidising public transport, and local employment
Cooking equipment controls
This project title is: Cooking equipment controls . It's description is: Better timing and temperature control of cooking equipment can ensure that it is not using unnecessary energy.
Improve process controls
This project title is: Improve process controls . It's description is: Ensuring equipment is running only when needed can cut a good fraction of energy use.
Environment control system
This project title is: Environment control system . It's description is: A full environment control system can save 30% of heating and cooling energy, but is very costly. Simple timers and sensors can save 12% of energy use and are cheaper.
Install solar panels + battery
This project title is: Install solar panels + battery . It's description is: Solar panels cut the energy you buy from the grid and the associated GHGs. Adding battery storage makes surplus power available for times when it is not sunny, saving even more purchased energy.
Heat-pump conversion
This project title is: Heat-pump conversion . It's description is: Replacing boilers with an air-source heat pump saves the scope-1 GHG emissions from a gas boiler, but is very costly.
Upgrade cooking + refrigeration
This project title is: Upgrade cooking + refrigeration . It's description is: The most energy efficient equipment uses much less energy than older equipment, but upgrading is costly.
Upgrade equipment
This project title is: Upgrade equipment . It's description is: The most energy efficient process equipment uses substantially less energy, but upgrading is costly.
Project information
messages appear here
Make your next choices
Monthly energy costs - £
Your energy costs
If you did nothing
Current energy bill

Although energy prices are dictated by the market, the decisions you take to manage emissions will have a huge impact on savings. This graph shows your progress compared to doing nothing.

Looking forward
Tons CO2e/year
Tons CO2e/year per person
Your actions
UK switch to renewables
Total UK emissions are about 11.5 tons/year per person (Source: DEFRA). Cutting emissions at work can make a big difference.

To see how you can better manage your energy and make these savings a reality for your business. Click here to request our free standard BS ISO 50005.

Business profile
  • Business type:
  • Business size:
  • Space:
  • Energy-intensity:
  • Food production:

To see how you can better manage your energy and make these savings a reality for your business. Click here to request our free standard BS ISO 50005.

Looking forward
Annual spend £
If you did nothing
Annual energy bill

To see how you can better manage your energy and make these savings a reality for your business. Click here to request our free standard BS ISO 50005.

Business profile
  • Business type:
  • Business size:
  • Space:
  • Energy-intensity:
  • Food production:

To see how you can better manage your energy and make these savings a reality for your business. Click here to request our free standard BS ISO 50005.

Congratulations for completing the challenge!

To see how you can better manage your energy and make these savings a reality for your business. Click here to request our free standard BS ISO 50005.

Are you sure you want to restart the challenge?

To see how you can better manage your energy and make these savings a reality for your business. Click here to request our free standard BS ISO 50005.